Monday, August 27, 2007

The Big Screen

Over the past two days I've come to realize the only way to sleep less is to sleep uncomfortably; that way, I wake up when I should ought to rather than when I usually do. And I've made it a point to stay away from anything soporific the rest of the day lest it induce me with two hours of what I just scrupulously avoided. I've also been on a tiny cinema marathon watching seven films in two days, the more mainstream of them being Ratatouille. It's been a long time since I saw an animated film on the big screen (I think the last one was Over the hedge) and Ratatouille was just as fantastic and entertaining as 28 weeks later (the sequel to one of my favourite horror films, 28 days later), that I saw last week. Quite a change from the kind of insipid entertainment that usually shows up, and I regret having missed out on The Simpsons Movie. Oh well....


Rajesh Goli said...

I like 28 weeks later except for the part where the "mom"'s eyes are crushed in the socket when she's tied to the bed motionless.. uggghh

Rajesh Goli said...

Maybe we should recommend the movie to Sunil :-D

rash said...

ha ha. In fact, he saw this along with me.....