Monday, August 04, 2008

More than a feeling

It's humbling: trying to condense my last eight years into a single page, and finding out there's still some space left at the bottom.


dilip said...

yaa..i know..I hope we will be better off within the next 8 years..:)

rash said...

yes man, let us hope. To quote the architect from one of the Matrix films:
"Hope: It is the quintessential human delusion".

Rajesh Goli said...

Hahahahaha... nice!

Sunil said...

hehey !!
what did yuu learn from the ~64 exams you gave in the 4 years of BE ?!

No matter how much you know or didn't know, you always end up filling in exactly 20 pages of the answer booklet!!

Life's like That...

rash said...

goli: thanks!

sunil: all I remember about college tests is forgetting to buy those accursed "blue books" before every class test.