Friday, February 29, 2008

If only I could turn back time

This C&H strip appeared the day before yesterday. Perfect timing. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just too blunt/instantaneous/careless/rude/insensitive; can't even seem to count the number of times I metaphorically bit my lip in the last two weeks alone.

[update] Of course in the strip, Calvin does it intentionally. And the title is alludes to a song from the 90's pop band Aqua.


dilip said...

haa...What's happening to u man??...contemplating and all..hmmmm...;)

rash said...

I'd imagine I think about these things just as much as you, man :)

Rajesh Goli said...

Hahaha, you tactless fellow.. err.. did I just say that out loud..

rash said...

guess you just did buddy. heh.